How Many Calories Does Scootering Burn?

Scootering is a great way to get around and have fun, but did you know that it can also be a great form of exercise? Scootering is an increasingly popular activity and there are many health benefits associated with it.

In this blog post, we take a look at how many calories does scootering burn. We’ll explore the different types of scootering, how much energy you expend on your rides, and tips for getting the most out of your scootering experience.

Also note that will talk only about calories burned by kick scooters, because electric scooters are motorized vehicles and are not considered as exercise.

How Many Calories Does Scootering Burn

How Many Calories Does Scootering Burn?

The number of calories you burn while scootering will depend on your type of scooter riding. If you are just leisurely riding around your neighborhood, you may not be burning many calories at all.

However, if you are taking part in a more intense scootering activity, such as downhill racing or trick riding, you can expect to burn significantly more calories than you would while leisurely riding.

According to our research, a person can burn up to 500 calories an hour while scootering. This number can vary depending on a variety of factors, including the rider’s weight, speed, and intensity of your ride.

If you ride a kick scooter daily for 30 minutes at a moderate pace, you can expect to burn around 1 pound every two weeks.

If you increase your exercise intensity, you can expect to burn more calories in less time.

Tips For Burning More Calories On Your Scooter

If you want to maximize the calories burned during your scootering session, here are a few tips that can help:

Increase your intensity: If you are cruising around leisurely, try to pick up the pace. Ride faster or do tricks to get your heart rate up and burn more calories. If you don’t know how to do tricks on a scooter you can read here about how to tailwhip on a scooter.

Ride up hills: Hills are great for burning more calories in a short amount of time. The incline will make your ride more strenuous and you can expect to burn more calories than on a flat surface.

Do intervals: Interval training is a great way to increase your calorie burn while scootering. Alternate between sprints and rest periods to get your heart rate up and maximize the number of calories burned in a short amount of time.

What Muscles Does Scootering Work?

Scootering is a great form of exercise for the whole body. It works your legs, core, and arms to help keep you balanced and propel you forward.

Your quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, and hip flexor muscles are all used when you ride a scooter. Your abdominal and oblique muscles are also engaged as they help you stay upright and turn the handlebars.

Your upper body is also engaged, as you are using your arms and shoulders to control the handlebars.

Other Benefits of Scootering

Scootering is not only a great form of exercise, it can also have numerous other benefits. Regular scootering can help you improve both mentally and physically. Some of the other benefits are:

  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Increased flexibility
  • Enhanced cardiovascular health
  • Improved joint health
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Boosted immune system
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Improved mental clarity
  • Improved focus and concentration

These are just some of the benefits of scootering. With regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can expect to see more results in terms of fitness, health, and overall well-being.


Does scootering burn calories?

Yes, scootering can burn up to 500 calories per hour depending on the type and intensity of your ride.

How many calories does kick scooter burn?

The number of calories burned depends on the type and intensity of your ride. A person who rides a kick scooter for 30 minutes at a moderate pace can expect to burn around 1 pound every two weeks.

Does riding a scooter burn belly fat?

Yes, riding a scooter regularly can help burn fat throughout the body, including belly fat. In addition to burning calories, scootering also works your core muscles, which can help tighten and tone the abdominal area.

Is scootering good exercise?

Yes, scootering can be a great form of exercise for the whole body. It not only helps you burn calories and fat, but also helps to improve balance, coordination, flexibility, and joint health.

How many calories does scootering for 30 minutes burn?

A person who rides a scooter for 30 minutes at a moderate pace can expect to burn around 200-250 calories, depending on their weight and the intensity of their ride.

Is walking or scootering better?

This depends on your individual goals and preferences. Walking is a great form of low-impact exercise that can help improve cardiovascular health and burn calories. Scootering, on the other hand, can also be a great form of exercise as it works your whole body and helps improve balance and coordination. Both activities can help burn fat and calories, so it’s ultimately up to you which one you prefer.

Can I lose weight scootering?

Yes, you can lose weight by scootering regularly. Scootering can help burn calories and fat and improve overall fitness. It’s important, however, to also maintain a healthy diet and get adequate rest to see good results.


In conclusion, scootering is a great way to get in shape and burn calories. It can also have other benefits such as improved balance, coordination, and cardiovascular health.

If you are looking for a fun way to get in shape and improve your overall health, scootering might be the perfect activity for you. So grab your kick scooter and get out there and start burning calories today.

We hope this blog post has helped you understand how many calories does scootering burn. If you have any questions or would like to share your own tips on burning calories while scootering, please leave a comment below.

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